Private Cloud Hosting

What You Need to Know About Private Cloud Hosting

Let’s be frank: we are navigating through unsettling and disruptive times. With the COVID-19 pandemic affecting every facet of life, including Bitcoin miner hosting, many business owners are understandably concerned about business continuity.

The question on many minds is straightforward: with employees working remotely and consumers unable to shop in person at non-essential stores, will my business’s foundational services endure and thrive amid this global pandemic?

It is from this perspective that we want to discuss the significance of private cloud hosting. If you’re new to the concept and need guidance on private cloud hosting, this article will cover the following:

  • What is Private Cloud Hosting?
  • What are its benefits and advantages?
  • Is your business a suitable candidate for private cloud hosting?
  • What types of private cloud hosting are available, and who are the key players in the industry?

As always, is here to assist you in building a custom private cloud hosting environment within your budget. Feel free to use the contact form link here or at the top right of this page to let us help you with your business hosting requirements.

Now that we’ve got the sales pitch out of the way, let’s delve into the specifics of private cloud hosting.

What is Private Cloud Hosting?

Let’s break it down in relatable terms.

Imagine apple-picking season in the United States, which runs from July to September. Each year, people flock to orchards to pick apples, enjoy cider, and indulge in apple cider doughnuts.

When you and your family or friends go to the orchard, you pay for a ticket to pick apples, but you do so alongside other members of the community. The resources (the apples) are meant for shared picking and consumption—this represents the public cloud.

Now, envision that instead of visiting the orchard every year, you decide to plant apple trees in your backyard. Although you’d need to wait a few years for them to grow, once they’re mature, you’ll have your own apples to harvest, without competing with others for the best varieties. This scenario illustrates the concept of the private cloud.

In basic terms, private cloud hosting refers to computing resources utilized exclusively by a single business or organization. In this setup:

  • All services and infrastructure are maintained within a private computing network.
  • All hardware and software within that private cloud hosting instance are dedicated solely to your company.

This exclusivity means that you can customize your resources to meet the specific needs and demands of your organization.

Benefits and Advantages of Private Cloud Hosting

Here are three key benefits:

  1. Flexibility of Instance Setup: By investing in a private cloud, you gain the ability to tailor the network, hardware, and software to your specific requirements. This includes:

    • Customizing hardware by determining the number of fans, the level of fault-tolerant storage, and the amount of ECC (error-correcting) RAM needed.
    • Customizing security protocols to establish data classifications and access levels for employees, along with implementing comprehensive logging solutions for monitoring network events.
    • Customizing software choices, allowing your organization to dictate what software runs on the network and apply access credentials accordingly.
  2. Higher Level of Security: A primary reason governments and organizations dealing with sensitive information opt for a private cloud is that they retain exclusive access. In our apple-picking analogy, a private setup means only your organization can pick the apples (access the resources), significantly reducing the risk of corruption, error, or breaches. This setup ensures that your data remains secure and inaccessible to outsiders.

  3. High Scalability: Scalability refers to the ability to grow or shrink according to business needs. It can be categorized into:

    • Vertical: Scaling up by adding resources (hardware, software, infrastructure).
    • Horizontal: Scaling out by provisioning additional network services.
    • Diagonal: A combination of both vertical and horizontal scaling, allowing for maximum flexibility in resource allocation.

With a private cloud instance, you can choose to scale vertically, horizontally, or diagonally based on your specific requirements and budget.

Now that you understand what private cloud hosting is and its benefits, let’s discuss how to determine if your business is a suitable candidate for it. We are always here to help you assess your needs and ensure your private instance meets your business objectives.

Is Your Business a Good Candidate for Private Cloud Hosting?

This is a vital question that can be approached from several angles:

  • The type of data your organization handles
  • The nature of the workloads your organization manages
  • The storage and resource needs of your organization

What Type of Data is Best Suited for Private Cloud? If your organization manages sensitive or proprietary data that must be handled with a high level of confidentiality, a private cloud could be the right solution. For instance, healthcare organizations like hospitals that manage patient data, financial institutions like investment firms that deal with monetary data, or technology firms with military contracts often require a private cloud setup, especially if governed by regulations like HIPAA.

What Type of Workload is Best Suited for Private Cloud? Consider a large healthcare network in a major city like New York, Boston, Chicago, or Los Angeles. Such a system typically faces:

  • Stringent compliance requirements regarding data and infrastructure security.
  • High-performance needs to process a substantial amount of patient data daily.
  • Consistent service demand.
  • Utilization of unique on-premise applications, like electronic health records, that may be proprietary to each facility.

In this context, a private cloud effectively addresses the specific needs of large healthcare systems by providing:

  • Robust security protocols
  • Scalability to meet fluctuating demands
  • Consistent performance for unique software systems

So, Which Compute Environment is Right for My Organization?

A key question arises: if the public cloud offers affordable, quick solutions, the private cloud provides powerful, secure services behind a firewall, and the hybrid model combines the best of both worlds, is the hybrid cloud the best option?

The reality is that it all comes down to a few factors: costs, the ability to manage multiple environments, and ensuring smooth interaction between protocols across those environments.

While a hybrid model offers the advantages of both public and private clouds, it requires a deep understanding of how data moves across multiple cloud environments, from secure to less secure. Additionally, maintaining a hybrid cloud demands a highly skilled IT department capable of managing various systems, both on-site and offsite.

Although the hybrid model is excellent in many ways, it does present challenges, particularly for organizations with less experienced teams.

Pros and Cons of Cloud Providers

When it comes to managed private cloud hosting, businesses of all sizes have numerous options. However, for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), what appears attractive based on price alone may not always be the best fit.

Amazon AWS


  • Ease of Use: AWS is designed to be user-friendly, allowing individuals with any level of technical expertise to set up servers quickly. The intuitive interface makes it easy to choose between public, private, or hybrid cloud options. While an IT professional is recommended for setup, AWS simplifies the process.

  • Service Options: AWS offers a wide range of services. Whether you need to build a public, private, or hybrid cloud or work with Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IAAS), Platform-as-a-Service (PAAS), or Software-as-a-Service (SAAS), AWS provides over 75 services to choose from.

  • Pricing Flexibility: AWS caters to different budget levels, from affordable options for running a server to more complex, higher-priced hybrid setups. Their scalable pricing ensures that businesses can find a solution that meets their financial capacity.

  • Managed IT Solutions: If your organization lacks a dedicated IT team, AWS can manage your IT infrastructure for an additional cost, relieving you of the responsibility.


  • Overwhelming Service Options: While the vast array of services is beneficial, it can also be a drawback for small and medium-sized businesses that don’t want to navigate the complexities of IT. The abundance of choices may overwhelm businesses that simply need a straightforward setup.

Billing: For small and medium-sized business owners or employees without an IT background, understanding AWS billing can be incredibly challenging. AWS billing isn’t straightforward; instead of a simple end-of-month total, charges often come in small increments based on server uptime. This turns your bill into a complicated math problem, making it difficult to clearly know what you owe.

Amazon EC2 Limits: As a new customer, you may face limitations in resource availability per region and server usage. These limits are primarily imposed for security reasons, to protect the system from potential threats like viruses or malicious activities. While this restriction is intended to safeguard the platform, it could be a significant drawback for small or medium-sized businesses that are rapidly expanding and require immediate access to more resources.

Microsoft Azure

When thinking about Microsoft Azure, many view it as an alternative to Amazon AWS. Both platforms offer a range of services, but Microsoft’s offering tends to be more user-friendly. However, Azure still requires significant IT expertise to manage, and that expertise must be near-expert level.


  • High Scalability: Similar to AWS, Azure provides substantial scalability options. It allows users to access the computing power they need and scale on demand. With Azure, you can containerize applications, deploy both Windows and Linux virtual machines (VMs), and choose from flexible options to migrate VMs to Azure, making it a robust platform for growing businesses.

  • Data Security: Azure emphasizes data security and provides a comprehensive identity solution for managed endpoint protection. While AWS also offers security features, Azure differentiates itself with a strong focus on safeguarding user data across its network, giving businesses confidence in its secure infrastructure.

  • Cost Effective: Much like AWS, Azure offers pay as you go solutions to businesses of all sizes and as a benefit to new customers, the platform does not limit (to the same extent as AWS does) the amount of resource and server capacity a new customer can utilize. This is certainly a strength for small and medium businesses looking to expand at great pace.


  • Requires Expertise to Use: There is no getting around this. While the Azure platform is accessible, scalable, and secure, the platform requires expertise knowledge of IT solutions to run properly. This especially applies to organizations with multiple cloud instances and it is certainly applicable to organizations utilizing private and public hybrid setups.
  • Requires Management: This could be said about any major cloud computing solution, yet Azure demands management of solutions. Be it an in-house organization IT team or full management by the Azure team, for the solution to run properly it needs to be maintained and managed. Everything from data security, to new provisioning, and server monitoring requires

So now the million dollar question: why are we writing this? What is QuoteColo able to provide that a big box cloud provider can’t or won’t? Why come to QuoteColo for your private cloud hosting needs over RackSpace, Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS or the Linodes of the world?

The answer is simple: QuoteColo maintains cloud hosting options which compete directly with the Hyper Scale cloud offerings as well as services which complement the Hyper Scale cloud offerings.

Why Choose

Personalized Cloud Solutions to Compete with Big Box Clouds offers custom public and private cloud solutions tailored to your organization’s specific needs, standing strong against giants like AWS, Azure, and Google. While the big players may focus on cost savings, we provide what truly matters for your business:

  • Superior Support: We deliver better overall support to ensure your cloud infrastructure runs smoothly and efficiently.
  • Simpler Migrations: Our migration process is streamlined and hassle-free, helping you transition without disruptions.
  • Managed Services: With full management support, we take care of daily operations, so you can focus on your core business.
  • Custom Cloud Setups: We specialize in creating unique cloud solutions that fit your organizational needs, ensuring your cloud infrastructure is optimized.

Unlike some of the larger cloud providers, who often compete with their own IaaS and private cloud services, we focus solely on meeting your needs, not competing with other services.

In addition, complements large hyper-scale cloud platforms by offering:

  • Colocation Solutions
  • Hybrid and Private Cloud Options
  • Compliance and Legacy System Support
  • Connections to Hyper-Scale Clouds: Save on egress bandwidth fees while staying connected to major cloud platforms.
  • Comprehensive Management: We provide full migration services, daily management, and system audits to keep your cloud environment running at peak performance.

We are here to help you design a custom private cloud solution, no matter your budget. Whatever your needs, is your trusted partner in building a reliable, tailored cloud hosting environment.

Get Your Custom Quote Today

Searching for a dedicated server or colocation solution? Just submit your requirements via our website, and we will connect you with top hosting providers who can offer competitive quotes based on your needs. Whether you need a server in a specific location or are seeking the most cost-effective solution, we’re here to help you find the best deal.

Explore options for Linux, Windows, and managed servers through our network of trusted providers. Get in touch today and discover the right dedicated server solution for your business.


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Private Cloud Hosting